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Fermoplus Malolactique


Specific nutrient for malolactic bacteria

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Product Description

  • Malolactic bacteria are nutritionally demanding. To grow and develop they need amino acids and vitamins, which are rarely present in the wine as Yeasts tend to deplete them completely during the course of the alcohol fermentation.
  • Fermoplus Malolactique® re-balances nutritional conditions and reduces the lag time for the start and completion of the malolactic fermentation.
  • The inoculation of malolactic bacteria with the support of Fermoplus Malolactique®,at the end of the alcohol fermentation, helps the start of malolactic fermentation. By adjusting the nutritional conditions, Fermoplus Malolactique® allows cleaner and more intense wines helping to ensure normal malolactic fermentation.
  • Dissolve dose in wine to be treated together with dose of malolactic bacteria
  • 5-20 grams/hL – _ – 1 _ lbs/1000 gallons.
  • Fermoplus Malolactique® is stable at room temperature for at least two years.

“One unscientific but easy way to check is to simply smell fermentation tanks on a daily basis.
If a rotten egg odor is present, it is likely there is a nutrient deficiency.”

Additional Information

Packaging Size

5kg, 500g

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